For more than 22 years, Amanda Matusak has been applying her knowledge of human behavior to developing strategies that drive brands forward for Deskey clients. We’re delighted to announce that Amanda has been promoted to Chief Strategy Officer.
Previously Vice President, Amanda is responsible for all strategic content creation at Deskey. She is the insightful voice of the new leadership team taking the woman-owned branding agency into the future under Becky Hyde-Nordloh, Chief Executive Officer.
“I am continually amazed by Amanda’s ability to find incredible, intuitive, strategic solutions from a plethora of facts and figures,” said Becky. “Not only is she a brilliant strategist, but she also has a wonderful sense of humor and has been a longtime advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. I am thrilled to partner with her as we take Deskey on a journey toward diversity, inclusivity and equity.”
Amanda joined Deskey in 1999 after a stint in communications with Kimberly-Clark. With a job that demands curiosity and empathy, she keeps an eye on trends and pop culture, asks the right questions, listens hard to the answers, and makes you laugh at the same time. It’s the perfect combination of traits and talents that inspires original thinking, builds client trust, and engages coworkers in-person and over Zoom. She also has served as a consultant to Procter & Gamble and Intuit and as a board member for Cincinnati Public Radio.
“Deskey is a happy place for me, a place where I continue to grow, where people celebrate my quirks rather than try to repress them,” Amanda said. “I’ve had opportunities to help some of the world’s largest corporations and some tiny startups along the way, and I’ve learned a lot. Now, I’m honored to be entrusted with leadership.”
Though she studied anthropology and sociology at DePauw University, Amanda’s understanding of human beings and leadership came early in life from unexpected sources. “My primary instructors were my ponies, who taught me the power of instinct, clear boundaries, and expectations. I was then gifted the opportunity to be educated in an all-female environment at The Harpeth Hall School. There I learned about respect, honor, more hard work, and our responsibility to lead and leave Harpeth Hall ‘not lesser, but greater, better, and more beautiful than it was handed to us.’
“That’s my intent with Deskey,” she added. “It’s always been a magic place. I’m forever grateful to my former managers and partners who have encouraged me. Now, I’m thrilled to partner with four women and an amazing team of individuals to create an intentional agency where all people have permission to feel safe in their own skin. To feel worthy. To feel like they are enough. Because when we all recognize our individual superpowers (no matter how quirky they may seem to others), we will change the world together.”